My experience with administrative management and supervision at UW includes the following:
Manager and Fundraiser, Czech
Fund (2003-present)
all aspects of managing fund in support of Czech studies, including fundraising
and managing projects connected with the fund as well as producing the
newsletter and managing the website
Undergraduate Major Advisor, Slavic Department (2002-2005)
all aspects of advising for Russian undergraduate major and co-advising for
Polish undergraduate major, during this period our department had more
than 50 majors
Associate Chair, Slavic Department (2004-2005, 2008-2012, 2013-present)
assisting chair with administration of academic department
Russian Language Coordinator, Slavic Department (2004, 2007-2008)
aspects of managing undergraduate language
program, including superivision of a project assistant and teaching assistants
for first- and second-year Russian
Facilitator, Czech Language Table (1998-2009)
organizing and facilitating a weekly language table for students of Czech
and speakers of Czech in the university community, including
supervision of project assistants
Faculty Advisor, AATSEEL-Wisconsin (1999-2004, 2009-2012, 2013-present)
advising our Graduate Student Organization in aspects of planning and running an annual departmental conference, including
pre-conference planning (call for abstracts), supervising the abstract
referee process, and arranging the conference program
Member, Faculty Senate Committee on LGBTQ Issues (2004-2005)
assisting in the preparation of a progress report on the implementation
of a set of 1998 recommendations to address LBGTQ issues campus-wide