The Linguistic Worldview: Ethnolinguistics, Cognition and Culture (co-edited volume with Adam Glaz and Przemyslaw Lozowski, 2013)
The Semantics and Discourse Function of Habitual-Iterative
Verbs in Contemporary Czech (2003)
[Review of this book (in Czech)]
"Introduction to Cognitive Grammar [published Czech version | English version]" (Cognitive Linguistics Reader II, Prague: Charles University, 2007)
"Conceptual Metaphors for the Domains TRUTH and FALSEHOOD in Russian" (American Contributions to the 13th International Congress of Slavists, 2003)
"Czech Habitual Verbs and Conceptual Distancing" (Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 2001)
"Iteration and the Peircean Habit" (Peirce Seminar Papers, 1999)
"Peirce's Semiotic and Conceptual Metaphor Theory" (Semiotica, 1998)
Talk at Václav Havel Library (in Czech, December 2016)
Interview with Czech Radio (in English, December 2016)
Interview with Eurozprávy (in Czech, December 2016)
"Václav Havel: A Legacy" (Here on Earth, Wisconsin Public Radio, December 2011)
"Havel Critiqued the West along with the East"(The Progressive, 20 December 2011; also in The Sacramento Bee and other newspapers)
"Using the Film Loves of a Blonde in Intermediate Czech" (Czech Language News, 2003)
"A Pedagogical Approach to the Design and Use of Multimedia in Russian Instruction" (co-authored with C. Ott, in The Learning and Teaching of Slavic Languages and Cultures, 2000)
"Ideology as Metaphor, Narrative, and Performance in the Writings of Václav Havel" (Slovo a smysl / Word and sense, 2015)
Reading Václav Havel (University of Toronto Press, 2015)
[Review of this book (in Czech)]
"Neklid transcendence: žánry Václava Havla" (Czech Literature 1, 2013)
"Ethnolinguistics and Literature: The Meaning of 'conscience' in the Writings of Václav Havel" (in The Linguistic Worldview: Ethnolinguistics, Cognition and Culture, 2013)
"An Ethnolinguistic Approach to Key Words in Literature: 'lidskost' and 'duchovnost' in the Writings of Václav Havel"
(Annual of Texts by Visiting Professors, Charles University, 2010)
"Translating Havel: Three Key Words" (Slovo a slovesnost, 2010)
"Framing Václav Havel" (Slovo a smysl / Word and sense, 2007)
"Teaching Havel" (In Between Texts, Languages, and Cultures: A Festschrift for Michael Henry Heim, 2008)
Review of To the Castle and Back (Czech Language News, 2008)
Perspectives on Slavic Literatures (co-edited volume with Kris van Heuckelom, 2007)
"Cognitive Poetics and Literariness: Metaphorical Analogy in Anna Karenina" (in Perspectives on Slavic Literature, 2007; also published separately in Polish translation)
"A Cognitive Approach to Metaphor in Prose: Truth and Falsehood in Leo Tolstoy's 'The Death of Ivan Il'ich'" (Poetics Today, 2003)
"The Relevance of Václav Havel for American Undergraduates" (Czech Language News, 2003)
"The Semantics of Pity and Zhalost' in a Literary Context" (Glossos, 2002)
"The Function of Pain in Tolstoy's 'The Death of Ivan Il'ich'" (Tolstoy Studies Journal, 1998)
"Light and Dark Imagery in Tolstoy's 'The Death of Ivan Il'ich'" (Slavic and East European Journal, 1995)
"Effacement of the Author and the Function of Sadism in Flaubert's Salammbô" (Symposium, 1992)